We welcome you and your family to our spiritual home and honor your youths’ personal journey by providing a well-rounded, dynamic curriculum designed to reach each child’s age and level of understanding.
Under Rev. Michelle’s leadership, we have a number of volunteers and assistants for our Sunday morning classes. Our Youth Ministry meets each week from 9:45 am – 11:00 am
Schools We Feature
We are proud to work with both the Interact Theatre School and the Knox School of Santa Barbara by providing facilities for their schools.
INTERACT THEATRE SCHOOL plays an inspirational role for children, using musical theater training in acting, singing and dance/movement to enhance their performing skills and develop the confidence, communication and social skills which are essential in today’s world.
THE KNOX SCHOOL OF SANTA BARBARA supports the WHOLE CHILD – Socially, Emotionally, Intellectually, and Academically. Our integrated curriculum encourages critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, abstract reasoning, higher level thinking skills, inquiry, and collaboration.